
我们的专家提供各种神经调节治疗, 使用了国内其他地方没有的先进技术. 治疗方法包括针对特定神经的手术或植入式装置来治疗疼痛.



神经调节是治疗运动障碍的神经外科专科, 精神疾病和慢性疼痛. We may perform surgery to alter a specific nerve or implant spinal cord devices that block pain signals or stimulate the brain or nerves to restore function. 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康中心, the specialists in the 神经调节 Program offer comprehensive treatment for movement disorders, 慢性疼痛和精神疾病.


医生的专业知识: Our 神经外科医生 训练有素的医生每年都要照顾大量的病人吗. 我们是最有经验的, fellowship-trained neurosurgery team in Southern California and have performed the highest volume of deep brain stimulation (DBS) surgeries in the region. We have been performing these procedures longer than any other neurosurgery team in the country.

先进的技术: We are one of only three hospitals in California to offer a specialized noninvasive treatment for essential tremor. 磁共振引导聚焦超声(MRgFUS)采用高强度, 聚焦超声能量波来加热大脑中的精确目标, 造成永久性损伤,有效治疗震颤.

先进的设备: 我们采用最新技术进行一系列复杂的手术. An intraoperative CT scanner allows us to perform DBS without having to move patients out of the operating room for imaging. 我们也使用Novalis形梁系统进行无切口手术, 立体定向放射外科的金标准技术.

个性化的护理: 我们的专家努力为每位患者找到最有效的治疗方案, 不管这是否包括手术. 我们为您量身定制每个护理计划,以满足您的个人需求.

以团队为基础,专家治疗: 我们的多专业团队包括世界知名的专家 neurologists, 精神科医生心理学家, 麻醉医师, 疼痛管理 专家和神经外科医生. All our specialists are heavily involved in research and are published experts in neuromodulation techniques.


我们的神经外科医生为各种情况提供神经调节. 专业课程包括:


我们提供深部脑刺激作为慢性脑损伤患者的治疗选择, 严重且难以治疗的强迫症. 在这个过程中,神经外科医生在大脑中植入电极. 这些电极连接在一个植入胸腔的装置上. 该设备向大脑发送电脉冲.

我们与精神病学的同事合作提供这种先进的治疗方法. This program has been developed as a direct result of our research efforts to find new treatments and therapies.



慢性疼痛: 持久的总称, 不是其他问题或伤害造成的持续疼痛, 比如骨折

复杂局部疼痛综合征(CRPS): 在受伤、心脏病发作、中风或手术后出现的慢性肢体疼痛

Dystonia: A movement disorder that causes involuntary muscle spasms and stiffness that interferes with walking and typical movements

特发性震颤: 一种神经紊乱,引起不自主的有节奏的运动,并随着活动而恶化

Headaches: 慢性头痛可能周期性发生, 伴有其他症状,如视力模糊或恶心, 或由神经炎症引起

强迫症(OCD): 一种以反复发作为特征的焦虑障碍, 侵入性的想法或冲动伴随着重复, 仪式化行为(强迫)

帕金森病: A movement disorder that causes involuntary movements, rigidity, abnormal walking and posture

周围神经紊乱和损伤: 涉及到损坏的条件 周围神经 , the nerves outside the brain and spinal cord that carry messages between the brain and the rest of the body

Spasticity: A neuromuscular disorder that causes muscle stiffness, overactive reflexes and involuntary movements

妥瑞氏综合征: 一种神经系统疾病,会导致重复的, 不自主的动作和声音(抽搐), 通常从很小的孩子开始

三叉神经痛: A chronic pain condition characterized by sharp facial pain coming from the branches of the trigeminal nerve running along the cheek and jaw



Cingulotomy: This procedure targets and alters tissue in the portion of the brain associated with chronic pain (anterior cingulate region). 我们的神经外科医生用核磁共振成像来精确定位你大脑的哪个部位. 然后他们将电极引导到大脑的那个区域, 射频能量会在大脑两侧造成损伤. 这种方法可以减轻60% - 70%的慢性疼痛症状.

Cordotomy: 这个过程的目标是脊柱中发送疼痛信号的特定神经. Surgeons use image guidance and a special needle with a radiofrequency electrode to create a lesion in a precise location in the spine. 这会使受影响的神经丧失功能,减轻疼痛. 这种疗法对慢性疼痛很有效,比如癌症相关的疼痛.

深部脑刺激(DBS): A neurosurgeon implants electrodes within the brain that send small electrical impulses to targeted brain areas much like a pacemaker. 几天后,他们在箱子里安装了一台发电机. 电线将发电机连接到电极上,以控制大脑中的电脉冲. DBS may treat Parkinson’s disease, dystonia, essential tremor, headaches, OCD or Tourette’s syndrome.

背根进入区(DREZ)病变: 在这个过程中, 神经外科医生进行椎板成形术, 在这个过程中,他们在脊柱上开一个临时的开口,进入脊髓. Then, 使用手术显微镜, they send radiofrequency energy to a small area of the spinal cord to eliminate the abnormal pain signals. 它能缓解高达70%臂丛神经损伤患者的疼痛, 一种常见于机动车事故后的周围神经损伤.

鞘内巴氯芬治疗: 巴氯芬是一种通过放松某些肌肉来治疗痉挛的药物. An intrathecal baclofen pump is a device that sends high doses of baclofen directly to the intrathecal space of the spinal canal. 这些剂量比口服巴氯芬强100倍,而且副作用更少. A neurosurgeon implants a disc-shaped pump and tubing (catheter) under the skin near the waistline. 管子从泵连接到椎管. 泵必须每隔一到三个月由卫生保健提供者重新加满药物. 泵装置每七年更换一次. 

微血管减压术: This minimally invasive procedure treats trigeminal neuralgia caused by blood vessels that are putting pressure on the trigeminal nerve. 外科医生在耳后开了一个切口, 在颅骨上开了一个小口通向三叉神经, 然后用精密的手术工具将动脉从神经上移开. 如果有静脉压迫神经, 把静脉烧灼(烧)以把它们封闭起来. The surgeon places a small pad between the blood vessels and trigeminal nerve to prevent them from touching again. 高达90%的患者经历了完全的疼痛缓解.

运动皮层刺激: This procedure uses an implanted electrode and stimulator device to change how the nervous system works. 神经外科医生使用核磁共振成像来确定要刺激大脑的哪个区域. 然后,外科医生使用图像作为路线图来精确地放置电极. The electrode connects to a generator placed under the skin in the chest that sends small pulses of energy to stimulate specific areas of the brain. 运动皮层刺激与DBS类似, but it places an electrode on the surface of the brain (primary motor cortex) rather than implanting it deep within the brain.

磁共振引导聚焦超声(MRgFUS): This technique uses high-intensity focused ultrasound waves to heat up precise targets in the brain as a treatment for essential tremor and tremor-dominant Parkinson’s disease. 患者戴上特殊的头盔,躺在核磁共振扫描仪中. 提供者使用核磁共振成像引导将超声能量发送到大脑. 治疗包括几个超声剂量, 病人在两次注射之间执行特定的任务来测量震颤的改善. Watch video.

周围神经及野刺激: This procedure places one or more electrodes directly on nerves or under the skin at a targeted area where pain occurs. 外科医生使用x射线引导将电极穿过小切口. The electrodes attach to a small generator placed under the skin that sends electrical pulses to the nerves. 这种疗法对神经损伤可能有效, 复杂局部疼痛综合征, 枕神经痛或慢性头痛.

射频消融术: 神经外科医生使用精确定位的热量来瞄准特定的神经. 射频能量降低了神经向大脑发送疼痛信号的能力. The procedure involves placing a needle through the skin and using X-ray guidance to position it on the affected nerve. 能减轻70% ~ 80%患者的三叉神经痛.

放射外科垂体切除术: 神经外科医生对脑下垂体进行高剂量的放射治疗. They use specialized MRIs to evaluate your brain anatomy and map out exactly where to send radiation. This procedure may be effective for cancer patients with severe pain who are nearing the end of cancer treatment options.

脊髓刺激: The neurosurgeon implants a small device (spinal cord stimulator) that sends electrical impulses to the spinal cord to disrupt pain signals. 首先,他们在脊髓附近的硬膜外空间放置一个或多个电极. Then they implant a pulse generator underneath the skin around the waistline and connect it to the wire electrodes. Patients can control the generator with a remote so that it sends out electrical impulses to disrupt pain signals as needed. We may use this option to treat chronic back, leg or neck pain or 复杂局部疼痛综合征.

立体定向放射治疗: 这种非侵入性, 无切口门诊手术提供单一, focused, 对大脑或特定神经的目标区域进行高剂量的辐射. 神经外科医生对大脑进行详细的核磁共振成像. Patients wear a mask that drapes over the head and face to help ensure that we deliver radiation to the precise target area without affecting any surrounding tissues. 这种治疗可能对特发性震颤或三叉神经痛有效.


我们的专家是神经调节技术方面的专家. We offer the full spectrum of treatments for a wide range of movement disorders and pain conditions. 我们是该地区容量最大的治疗中心之一, 拥有丰富的专业知识和领先的护理. 

Contact us

Call 310-825-2631 要求预约皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康中心的神经调节专家.


我们为各种运动障碍和疼痛状况提供神经调节. Call 310-825-5111 了解更多关于神经调节疗法的知识.