
The 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 儿科医疗之家 Program is designed to be the “home base” for children with special health care needs. We offer comprehensive services, support and convenient care to you and your family.



通过皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校儿童医疗家庭项目, our team has revolutionized care for children with chronic disease and complex health needs. 使用开创性的方法, we bring together every member of your child’s care team to ensure you receive the highest level of coordinated care.

通过改善卫生专业人员和家庭成员之间的沟通, 我们的目标是提高病人的整体健康水平. 当你来找我们时,你会发现:

方便、便捷的护理作为您孩子的“大本营”,我们在一个地方提供协调一致的支持. 我们的目标是帮助您了解您孩子的护理,并确保检查, 检查和治疗更加方便. 重点关注可获得的医疗服务, 我们的团队会说好几种语言, 我们随时可以回答你的问题并提供支持.

全面、以家庭为中心的方法: We understand the challenges that often affect families of children with special needs. 这就是为什么我们的服务不仅仅局限于医疗. Our experienced, compassionate team comes together to focus on your child as a whole person. 我们提供服务, support and solutions to your entire family while keeping your child’s health needs front and center.

专业的专家团队: Your child receives care from board-certified doctors who specialize in pediatrics. 一个知识渊博的家庭联络人会为你和你的家人提供建议和支持. Our team orchestrates everything from medications and visits with specialists to social services and school support.

改善健康状况,减少并发症我们的综合方法使急诊室就诊人数减少了50%. 通过协调护理, addressing issues as they arise and helping you manage medications and therapies, 我们与您合作,在适当的时间获得必要的护理. 作为一个团队,我们改善您孩子的健康,提高您的家庭幸福.


At 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康, we designed our 儿科医疗之家 Program around your family’s needs. 我们团队的每一位成员都热衷于及时交付, 有效的护理,同时指导和支持您的家人. 定制服务是我们项目的核心. 我们提供:


We focus on the whole child and work with your family to coordinate the care and services you need. A dedicated family liaison is by your side to serve as your main point of contact and answer your questions. 我们与您合作:

  • 解决家庭可能存在的任何问题, 包括国内问题, 在学校遇到的挑战或关于心理健康的问题
  • 安排家庭保健、治疗和其他服务
  • Ensure every member of your child’s care team is on the same page and follows the same treatment plan
  • Guide you through the health care system and help you navigate all aspects of your child’s care
  • 管理药品和补药
  • 根据需要向患者提供教育、资源和支持
  • 安排检查、程序、手术和与专家的其他预约


Our 家长谘询小组 aims to make our services as effective as possible and address the specific needs of children and family members. The group meets once a month and all parents in the 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 儿科医疗之家 Program are welcome to attend. 父母和看护人分享他们的知识, 在团队中积累经验和资源,同时向他人学习.

每次会议期间, an agency or community organization presents information about a topic related to children with special health care needs. 主题包括:

  • 为有特殊医疗需要的人提供应急准备
  • 为全家带来健康和幸福
  • Special education services, 504 plans and Individualized Education Programs (IEPs)
  • 压力管理技巧

The 家长谘询小组 also provides the 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 儿科医疗之家 Program with invaluable feedback and recommendations. Our specialists consult parents and gain essential information about how to improve the program. 我们的目标是提供实用、有用和定制的服务.



医疗之家不是一个设施或结构——没有人住在我们的“家里”.这是皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校美泰儿童医院的一个项目. The program helps families with chronically ill children navigate the complicated health care system. 



家庭联络人: Our family liaisons help coordinate care for our Medical 首页 patients and facilitate communication with the 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 medical team. We have three full-time family liaisons available during office hours to answer questions about care coordination. 我们的家庭联络员也帮助协调后续预约和程序. 我们所有的家庭联络人都以西班牙语为母语.

住院医生: A pediatric resident doctor is a physician who has finished four years of medical school and is currently getting additional training in the care of infants, 儿童和青少年. Each patient is assigned to a resident who will be the "primary doctor" or "general pediatrician."

主治医生: A pediatric attending doctor has finished three years of additional training in pediatrics. 他们在门诊预约期间指导和培训儿科住院医生. The attending doctor serves as the resident doctor’s supervisor and is ultimately responsible for medical decisions and treatments. Many attending doctors work closely with the resident doctor to care for your child.

专科医生: A specialty care doctor is an attending doctor who has finished an additional two or three years of training. 额外的训练侧重于特定的身体系统, 诊断或治疗紊乱和疾病的年龄组或技术. 专科护理医生与住院医师沟通, attending doctor and parents to create an appropriate treatment plan for the patient.


Medical 首页 patients receive care from a resident doctor and attending doctor. 这些医生一起工作,提供协调的护理. 与这些医生的预约可能比通常的办公室就诊时间更长.

每个病人都会收到一本名为“关于我的一切”的家庭笔记本. 家里有这个活页夹,这是一个便携式医疗记录. It contains the patient’s medical history, medication list, physician names and contact information. Our team connects Medical 首页 families to organizations that support every stage of the child's growth and development.


Parents are responsible for managing their child's medical care and appointments. 他们保存着“关于我的一切”的活页夹,每次约会都要出示. Parents also bring their child’s most recent immunization card and current medication list, 还有保险卡和保险公司的信件.

Parents also agree to attend all appointments as scheduled or notify the family liaison as soon as possible when unable to attend. Any patient who misses multiple appointments may be referred for a social work consultation and may be unenrolled from the Medical 首页 Program.


We use certain criteria to determine if a patient will benefit from our program. 我们有一个等待注册的名单,但我们愿意接受新的推荐. 如果你有兴趣加入儿科家庭医疗计划,请 填写推荐表格.


我们的团队包括家庭联络员, 社会工作者, 专门从事儿科和青少年医学的护士和医生. We work closely with your child’s entire care team and coordinate with specialists, 治疗师和药剂师.








Your 儿科医疗之家 team coordinates your child’s care while offering your family guidance and support. 呼叫 310-825-0867 ext 171924 与我们联系.


Your pediatric medical home team coordinates your child’s care while offering your family guidance and support. 呼叫 310-825-0867 ext 171924 与我们联系.